Sister Flora Haughey Sisters of St. Martha of P.E.I.
Name in Religion —— Sister Mary Anthony
Date of birth —— March 3rd., 1888
Parents’ names —— John Haughey and Mary Malone
Date of profession — February 2nd., 1919
Final profession —— August 5th., 1924
Number of years professed —— 42
Date of death — May 24th., 1961
Place of burial —— Mount St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ch’town, P.E.I.
Sister Mary Anthony was one of the first who entered at St. Dun- stan’s College, and was number 8 in the congregation. She was a skillful cook, and like St. Martha gave of her talents in providing nourishing meals for clergy and students. She is remembered for her great spirit of faith and prayer as well as for her unique wit.
Sister Catherine Haughey Sisters of St. Martha of P.E.I.
Name in Religion -— Sister Thomas Aquinas
Date of birth — February 14th., 1886
Parents’ names -—- John Haughey and Mary Malone Date of profession —- June 29th., 1920
Final profession — June 29th., 1926
Number of years professed —— 52
Date of death —— January 28th., 1972
Place of burial — Mount St. Mary’s, Charlottetown
Sister Thomas, as she preferred to be called, the name given to her in honour of Rev. Doctor Thomas Curran, was also one of the early en- trants to the congregation. She was always anxious to help the aged, the needy, and the sick —— giving a cup of tea was the joy of her heart. She had more than an ordinary share of quick wit, and like her sister was a woman of faith and prayer. She had great loyalty to her native parish and its people.
Sister Rosella Monaghan Sisters of St. Martha of P.E.I.
Name in Religion — Sister Mary Faustian
Date of birth — April 10th., 1893
Names of parents —— Francis Monaghan and Mary McAvinn Date of profession —— June 29th., 1920
Final profession — June 29th., 1925
Number of years professed —— 53
Date of death -—- February 9th., 1973
Place of burial — Mount St. Mary’s Cemetery, Charlottetown