Session was enlarged b3,” the ad- dit'on of several elders and a com— Bunion seasOn—neves—came—that—did not record many professions of faith by the people. But in the midst or triis sunshine a cloud appeared and the faithful pastor was stricken down with What proved a fatal illness. It proved to‘be’brief and on April 28th. 1&97 the faithiul pastor entered the! the rest that remaineth for the] people of God A brass table: in the‘ Murray Harbor No1th church, 3'- hrief resolution in the minutes of °1ssion and Presoytery and the Christian names of severarof'thc young men he had baptized are left s —« ..._- L f ‘s‘ 1".) record the 1:31:19... 3 of mis -31Ln- 1.. : 11111511 :01 Harbor . Moderator; when a call Wm given to Rev. John Gilli” and accepted by him. The serxie of induction tool: place in the Murray H21?” cor North Church on ..ugust17t'11. 181-7. It would seem that the settlement was 9. 11211113 one, and new 0 hear of the. Session as~. .serting their right in appointing all \ . 02 their L' “Weathered“: *--co’s;1.e.,»~'>—s ip~ ply of tokens for 00:11.. mnicants and; 9-.ppointi111gz'epresentatl'ye elders by 1/xzvte-pmording to 11.38.1150; that the 03031011 use their ln'lluem. c"'-1‘13fl“3'13 m~ “ch 4.111114; 4 7 _,.1 .-1 v‘m fl; '0! 1301 USCG? ' i, CTJX‘QIXOC \x'ith instructions | . 1 1’1“:th the General asstmbly [111' 15:31.1. 'ilc sum of 1110 Dollar 3 11 o": .011 to; lie 11.1(1 Rev. W111. 2120:1190. 1’01' 1:01—1 vie-3 at the Communion 83:13:11.1. Th: Superintendent. of the Sabbath; School is gixcn libc1t3 to hold a 500; ml for the benefit. of the Sabbath seheel.—————-—*—"—f“‘ ‘ ' ‘— On June 33th. 1900. James Dallel, is appointed superintendent and Mr.” Cartney D. McClure Stcrc-tai'y and Treasurer of the same. We shall hear more, of these men later. On :Oct/Jbei‘ 25th. 1900, the Session.»1111-$ 'animously granted R:v. My. Gillis‘ three months leave of absence. he to' provide supply and Rev. Wm Mchodi acted as such. It would ssem £10m all the records that, the pastorate ended) earl} in the year 1001 being the long-' est for SOme time and in a time of! stress and strain thit tdxctl many of on: congregation to t‘ 0 utmost cs- 'piclally -'m-- ViCW—Of—Jcllc-fi eatery-Fund and other .Claimswthath'cre made. 97.; -.1:~:perience 01‘ the writer there ".5 (r. .iir'i'icnlt. nation allover (anode and can :ciali1 111 3-119 N151qu ice to rs 11211113 been apfaointcdjni t‘1esg congrcggtiozm and tigni'zs shay: in the libero .lity oi the people that there was a hearty response. It would 193331001: the RSV. William "McLeod 11 energetic 51311113; and here 11:0 1 then 1131 ntion 0: the Bres‘oxterinn Record being in circulation in thel e::tg1'cgati 0'11 and Re'..Wn1. Mch :U . t 0 1 act as agent”. Rev. Da9jel J MacDonald ' ‘ - 19015—1903 I The Rev. W H. Spencer actedi ‘again as Interim Moderator and latter a short vacancy the congre—t !gati0n called the Rev. Daniel J. Mc- inonald who w_as inducted on October 8th 1901 It would seem from 311’ the records that this pastorate was 1er 1‘01"le as there are several Moderators >_.- :3. .. .. :‘of Session, but the Century Fun Ei'a rid” the collections from the schemes iappe ar to have been made success! I in land a mention is made of the ire-1' shyterion Record which 103.13 us ito belie 1.0 the congregation were at— wntive to o. the ir 'luties even though depitr' ed of the services of :1 Teeter