by Mrs. Louis Sadler
1972 was a year of trial for this new society, Presbyterian Women. quote from the annual report of the President:
As in the past, devoted members and groups participated in catering to meetings and receptions. The organization contributed to Easter collection, Christmas Church School party, Nursery School, Junior Choir gowns, and remembered also the Junior Choir at Christmas and Easter. The annual Fall Tea and Bazaar was held as in the past, and a donation was made to the Board of Trustees. In the fall the kitchen was opened to Day Care teachers and children for a hot meal. Members assisted in the Clothing Room at the Protestant Welfare Bureau, Unitarian Services, and the Bible Society. Visits were made to Beach Grove, and members enjoyed Christmas and Easter Teas at the Special Care Unit. White gifts were dis— tributed, and a Christmas box sent to Armagh.
The report of the Programme Committee for the same year states:
Programmes were arranged for all general meetings, with the Chairman of each of the six groups assuming the responsibility for at least one. Material of a background_nature formed the programmes for gneral meetings, in order to set the stage for the more intensive study to be carried out in the individual groups.
This has been an informative year. Your committee has tried to listen, evaluate, and learn. It has been a great challenge, and I know with the total cooperation from all of you, our aim can be achieved, i.e. to bring together in fellowship, study, service, and worship all the women of the congregation that they may share in the total‘mission of the church.
The 1973 Report states:
In carrying out our aims and purposes, the groups participated in catering to numerous activities. In particular, I would like to mention the :Centennial Tea for disabled persons, and our Food and Fair Sale, which was a new venture in place of the Haflowe'en Tea. Both of these were very successful.
Other activities similar to the previous year were carried out.
Our efforts to raise funds were so successful that we donated $3900 to the Board of Trustees for the debt retirement.