HOW GLOOSCAP TEANSFOEMED THE INDIAN IN the olden time, two Indian braves set out upon an adventure. The younger one was going to seek a wife, and the other went with him as his companion. The two Indians travelled a long way through the forest, until at last they came to the ocean. In the distance, far out from the shore, they could see an island; and this island looked so pleasant that they thought they would like to visit it. So they built a canoe, and set out. When they reached the island, they found a man living there in a great wigwam. This was Glooscap, the Great Chief, himself; and he lived here with only the old grandmother and Marten. The travellers entered the wigwam, and sat down upon the mat in the place for the guests. The old grandmother at once placed food beĀ¬ fore them, in a very tiny dish. This dish was so small, and there was so little food, the travellers began to fear that they would have but little to eat. But they were mistaken, for 265