trifling matter.

Mr. McDonald then rose and with evident emotion spoke to the following effect: I appear here as a minister of the Church of Scotland before the Reverend Synod. If I have deviated from her laws I am willing to take a rerrint indistinct from a blot] - taught nothing contrary to the Confession of Faith . I have built eleven churches (and a twelfth is in the course of erection) Without any extraneous aid and all of them are open to ministers of the Church of Scotland I was left

alone here long ago2 and my circumstances were peculiar. The great Revival of Religion (for such I do not hesitate to call it) under my ministry was grievously misunderstood and I was calumniated; but there are a thousand converts on this island today who can give a satisfactory account of the work of the Spirit in their hearts I was under conviction of sin from my boyhood but was never enlightened till after I came to the Island, For seven months I endured what no tongue can express, but then I got light.3 I am now submitting myself to the scrutiny of this Synod of the Church of Scotland. One favor I ask, that / 0:? no! Macao under [/79 control of Me Synod or [/79 presoytery. If I depart from your rules I wish to be corrected but / cannot come under fl/r/sm'clinn. There are between four and five thousand people under my ministry; these I am prepared to hand over to the Church of Scotland- indeed they are connected with that church. I am now most anxious to be in connexion with the Reverend Synod on condition that I shall not be

placed under jar/swam and contra/.4

Rev. Mr. Lochhead5 said that he had moved in the Presbytery [of Prince Edward Island] that Mr McDonald be invited to take a seat in the Presbytery and be formally connected with it. He