CONCLUSION Dear Readers: Whoever you are, wherever you may be, we hope you have enjoyed this word picture of our dearly-loved Church, and its growth so far in this the second Century, and ever since it was organized by our pioneer ancestors. If there are errors or omissions, we hope for your tolerance as the task was made more difficult by the lack of records. May we hope that the reading of these pages has inspired in you the desire to aid your generation in keeping the Church edifice attractive, its cemetery well cared for, its organizations ready to serve the needs of the Community. May you look back to the beginnings for your inspiration, when a pioneer people, builded better than they knew, in establishing this House of Worship for the bringing of comfort to those who mourn, strength to those who are tempted, salvation in Christ to those who are lost, nurture in Christian characĀ¬ ter to those who are young, the truth of the Kingdom of God to all those who seek and meet in fellowship and service, to all who follow Christ, and hope and courage to all human hearts. "When from falling hands we throw the torch, be yours to hold it high." "The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended," the task complete, till other hands take up the pen and write the continuing history. Alberta Rose