PEG '— 13 ftgi'dimami, I make an _ofiering; pagedumima‘dimkfiwd, a n offering. . , [Egg/d, I am slow about it, take a long time doing it. pagejd/r. a long time; peggjcioo- 17mk, being detained a long time;pege_7'0dmlz, I keep it a long time; pagejesz'n, I lie in bed a long tune. pegq'eowkwi, I hold anger a ‘ long time. pegg'eawks/zwimk, I abuse him along time, harangue him. pegmadoo,1break off a piece of bread; pagwadumk. the breaking of bread, sacrament. pagesadoa, I bring it; pcgesin, I come. pagesumd, I remove a small piece (of food) for myself. pegrsumalz, I come away from him a short distance. pagetzmumozr/Zz, I offer some- thing. pegzsk, it strikes against some- thing; prgz‘stoo. I strike it against something. pegz‘t/éadum, I reside a long time in one place; pegz'lum, I stay a long time. peg‘itkaijiyé, I remain but a short time. pegz'lkowe/c. it makes a pro- longed sound. pcgobd, I emerge from under water; pegobaa’oo. I bring it from under water. pkgogunzihthe collar-bone. pagogwadoo, I straighten it; pegqgoosmadoa, I lay it down straight. , pagowzes, a straight stick for digging clams.
i — PEG
pagaaangasz'k, m a n 'u s c r'i carefully hand-written. pagozdoaaa’ao, I pull down a rope.
pqgmzustdse, I perceive a dif; ference. ,
pegflz’lese, I am snow-blinded, dazzled, everything lo 0 k 5 black.
peg‘tzgrwadum, I tar a canoe, blacken anything; upkoo. tar, pitch, gum.
pcgzln (pegoon), a pen, feather; oasukake, a quill.
pegunuk. a dark night; (2) It is very dark.
pegunulkegwd, I become larger; bristle up as a porcupine.
pegwagz‘loo, I file it, rasp it, saw it, scratch it.
pegwc’jadqu, I am dressing
game, removing entrails.
pegzvelagoodnm, I am of mixed
blood. of different races, a
pegwl’le, many; pegwi’lante, I
kill many.
pqgwélkek, they are many; peg—
wéléddk, I give him much:
pegwélkweludumuodul, much
is looked for; pcgwélawz'stoo,
I talk much; pegwéloqgrwd, I
work much; pcgwi’loogawo-
(crank, there is much work in
pegwésaSe, I am patched, dress-
ed in many colours. wear
patched clothes: pegwésmn, 1
patch it, mend it.
pegzuélsum, I cut through it,
make a button-hole, or look
for a hoop.
pegwodase, I earn for myself,
deserve, cause, arrange for.