


Wabus, a rabbit, (Restigouche dialect) ablegumootc.

wadabedi, I shed my first teeth; wtdabedi.

wddakmzasik, kelp; wadakzm- asilztcétc, dulse.

wiza’oodum, I taste it.

wadaodw, a clot; ,wadooéwc‘zsz’k, I curdle it.

wddumi, I decoy. attract game,

by waving a flag; wadigmz, a decoy-flag.

wt'zgza, I am angry; wfigiukta/e, I offend him. wag obak the head of a bay

mouth of a river, the end of it.

wagobaktek, high-water mark.

wagulc. k hardly, with difficul- ty, almost (P)

wégzodmadao, Iargue it. debate with you; wdgwdmadoollét/z. we have an argument.

dewz'l/z, St. Mary‘s Bay.

Wagwosk, Fish Lake.

Wagwostoogwek, Cape Mala- gash.

wizgwék, it ends the utmost


limit, a period; (2) Pr. N. Egmont Bay, P. E. I. wdgwdmootmk, an argument, dispute. discussion. 2012] 'ca’oo. I find it. wdjk alouse; Pl. wag 00k. wakagrmigun, a crooked knife. wakajak. frail, 1 weaken it. wakajase, I moum.

wfikajfiimkdwfi, helpless, im— potency.

wakaloosan, a fort, stockade, barracks.

Wakobeg‘ itk, Cobequid.

Wakog umak Whycogomah, C. B. beside the sea

wakpadakun, the edge, brim hoop for a basket.

waluos/euk, a cess~pool.

minoo, the abdomen, diaphragm

wam'oalrwfi, persistent, diligent.

wdoa. an egg: wdooé-ttbaa’e, a custard.

wfioas, the ovary.

wdsagulemin, a crystal. mica, wasogwek, light, wdsz'tpa/e a

luminary. wt'zsogunumakun, a light, waso-