Legislative Assembly,

have no political inclination or political overtones. Justice is above that and I submit that that is one place where the Attorney General of this Province has fallen down very badly.

Now I notice that our Province, our government had made announcements that they can’t help the teachers, I do not know about the civil servants, but the story seems to be that they can’t help them. I submit the reason why. The reason why is because its too extravagant. I submit if this government would tally up money that it has wasted it could give a substantial raise, a substantial one . . . .

Hon. M. Lorne Bonnell: We are tidying up your waste.

M. Alban Farmer: You gather up the waste, if you had over the last year, this last, since you came into power, you could give a substantial increase to the civil servants and teachers. If you would add up the legal fees. There is nothing wrong with legal fees but I submit that legal fees were paid by the government that should never have been paid. If you take, for instance, the Minister of Education. Now he is making up an Act. Now what does your Act cost you up to date?

Hon. Gordon Bennett: $4,000.

M. Alban Farmer: $4,000 for an Act, for The School Act. $2,000.00 for a Health Act.

Walter R. Shaw: Not done yet. Hon. J. Elmer Blanchard: What did you fellows pay for the Election Act?

M. Alban Farmer: I don’t know, I don’t remember. How much was it, how much was it.

Hon. J. Elmer Blanchard: How much for the Highway Traffic Act. M. Alban Farmer: How much was it? It wasn’t nearly what . . . .

J. David Stewart: It was not. Better go back to your own office and take another look.

Honourable J. Elmer Blanchard: Well I know. M. Alban Farmer: You don’t know. Hon. J. Elmer Blanchard: You didn’t know, you admitted you didn’t know.

M. Alban Farmer: I said I didn’t know, but I know it wasn’t that high, but I have a general idea, but I know it wasn’t any figures like what you have.

Hon. J. Elmer Blanchard: Oh yes it was.

M. Alban Farmer: "I submit that they, this government, tell us. You tell us about Georgetown, about closing it up, that’s the effort you made in Georgetown.

Now the extravagance of this government by not being able to give our teachers and civil servants a substantial raise.


Hon. Daniel J. MacDonald, Minister of Agriculture (First Kings): Mr. Speaker, I would like to congratulate you, Sir, on being in the Chair again this year. You are certainly doing a wonderful job and highly respected by both sides of this House, and respected by people across the Province. There was every evidence that your first day here this year, when you made your presentation to the elected members, that they have certainly listened to you. The decorum and manner with which this House is conducted this year is on a much higher level than last year, and we surely appreciate this, everyone of us, and the public in general are also appreciative.

I would like, Mr. Speaker, to congratulate the Mover, the Seconder of the Speech from the Throne, they made a clear-cut presentation, and it certainly in— volved a lot of things that we are deeply interested in. And being as they are both
