can is a breach of our duty towards God . It requires a very good excuse indeed if it is not to be counted a grave sin. Not only is it our duty to go to Church on Sunday, but Churchmen ought to make a special effort to go to Church on Christmas Day , Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, The Feast of the Annunciation, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Day, and All Saints' Day. 2. Regular Communion. A second rule or precept is to Communicate regularly, and at least at Christmas, Easter and Whitsunday . The rubric in the 1959 Canadian Prayer Book says, "It is the duty of every confirmed person, after due preparation, to partake of the Holy Communion frequently, and particularly on the greater Holy Days, of which Easter is the chief." Why the Holy Communion? The foundation of all our Christian life is to obey our Lord's commands, one of which was and is, "Do this in remembrance of Me. " Both for his own sake and for that of the Church it is the duty of every Christian to obey our Lord's command, "Do this in remembrance of Me" because in the Holy Eucharist (a) The Church and the individual is identified with Christ in His atoning work on ; (b) It is the means by which Church and individual may be offered along with Him to the Father. (c) It is a means of renewing and deepening the union with Him. (d) It is a means of forgiveness and reconciliation. (e) It is a means of reconsecration to His service. From the very first days, every Sunday, the Church has obeyed the command of Her Lord and has celebrated the Holy Communion. It is the duty of all Church 43