What is the Work of the Church? St . Matthew 28: 19 - 20: "Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." The Duke of Wellington called this text the Marching Orders of the Church. First, let us think of the world into which we are sent. (a) It is not dissimilar to that of the early Christians, especially if we compare conditions of today with those described by St . Paul in the Epistles to the Corinthians. (b) Christianity in our own land is no longer the standard for belief and practice. Today many leaders if not actually anti-Christian are indifferent to Christ's teaching on man and morals, even leaders elected to public office. (c) As population increases in the world we find the actual number of Christians each succeeding year is a smaller percentage of the total world population. Only in Africa can we find membership outstripping population growth. (d) Christian influence in our own Region and local communities is a minority influence. How do we react? (a) Are we shaped by fashion and fad rather than by our faith? Do we adapt to secular culture? Are we conformed to this world, or are we transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ? (b) When we see the indifference and hostility do we panic - throw up our hands, discouraged - think the Church has failed and is outmoded? (c) The Church may be tempted to grow in upon itself, the parish become a holy huddle, a church club, go into its shell, become a closed community, and long for the good old days. (d) The rise of cults and strange sects and a growing pluralistic society. People inadequately grounded in the Christian Faith say there is more than one way to God , and they slip into the heretical position where Jesus becomes but one of many possible saviours, and ceases to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The Mission of the Church is to hear witness to the uniqueness of Christ. Go - teach - "Who do men say that I am? Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God ." This is the Church's message - the strong Christ of the Creeds. No watered down doctrine of Christ will win the world, (a) The first sermon in the Apostolic Church was that of St. Peter on the death and resurrection of Christ. Lord Ramsey of Canterbury writes, "Easter tells us both of a mighty deed and of a continuing presence. Christians rejoice in both and find in both a focus of faith and hope. The deed is of God 's sovereign power; Christians are, in St . Paul's words, "believers in Him who raised up 53