The children were kept upstairs for two days before it was safe for them to be moved by boat, to the " Farm" then owned by Hall Burt . They stayed there while the sand was shov¬ eled out of the downstairs. Ironically, the sand and the broken window may have been of some help in saving the family. For those of us who live in the current world of electronic devices and instant information, it is very difficult to comprehend the lifestyle of these pioneer people or the adversity they faced and accepted on a daily basis. As one observes the daily coming and going of marine traffic through the mouth of New London Bay it is appropriate that we remember the significant role which the "Harbor Light " and its many keepers has played in the safety of mariners at sea who sought shelter during adverse weather conditions. ( Isabel MacRae daughter of John and Marion MacRae, her husband, John Picketts , and children lived on the former John C. Clark property - Rd.) - see Genealogy - {Courtesy: Isabel MacRae Picketts) FOUR FISHERMEN DROWNED The role of the 'harbour light' is extremely important as a warning for mariners both inside and outside of the harbour. One tragic incident, among many, which remains in the minds of resi¬ dents of this area dates back to May 2, 1947. Here one is reminded of the violence of the sea. the dangers that can result from its unsuspected ferocity, as well as the respect a person's "sixth- sense" has developed for the whims of the waters. Conn Prince Edward Wand Like the Dew CHAMjOntTOVN, CANADA, MONDAY, MAY S. 1WJ FOUR DHfJWNED «ear broke and. ae ttwy drifted helpleaalr. a hear? m* awept over Tin? norm-tossed waters of the *»• ""»' •"»> earled Uvea of ttie Gull of St. Lawrence claimed tije J »a« overboard, Hardin* either died live, of four lotxter rinhennen who "«» ejtpaanra. it m bUeerly eoM had braved lta deotara Friday af- or h» fainted and waa drowned lii ttrnoou vlw.Uur hi oat from «*w Harbour to »»t their i <*»tar trap*. The victim* an: Ralph MacLeod , a«-, French River ; ProMon Haraint, 40, Frendti nirl "•JJoare^BlaiaJiaiU, l», Dtrrar . They put to n .a 2.29 pa» # M the boat. and the lato Mr». MacLeod Cen. mand of a dredge which la sow at marloWetown. B„lde, hu Tath* (*• lata Mr. MacLeod J. n»lv«r} no niher « iemi» i » Car » lk. •"■" • • aiater. » —-~...- «r boat? F„£* » *a that RcSirt"^,,*,£ L £„M'- <"« Mra. - Jon hirSci , £?.*!* "' New tmmarrtid^ TjN2^0*",n H» *" T.-.ur,d.» „; tteVSr^? •" **»"•«' *££&£?• „*«-" anxiouo to aer J ? ."wermen were and Violet at k~_- -... .Muiaret C"ur men ie» ,?, U < w"r < i *P». Ttie Iran at Fra£rti?IM; MUkwr "*» »».iOMtf off. nVatS h,d »•« en^arrf two .Utm. S 7w« «££: On Wi *7 noma Iviseover Body 01 Man l/rowned In May. 1947 The body of (he late Mjrvo, "ill. 22, of Kaiangta..^,,^ ™|* "1 Hie four men dra»,,«l ,„' M'.vJ.IW.wh™*™,.^ Jjiovto mnhaptrfdl thdrlola,, BOMofrNw LomtalUrto,,,. "-". S.IUr *,vmo„,4„„a7T Z,h"s'T'** *"'« Bride, and (. avendish. E Iicationwas^aot,^,^ »™< N ™.«d,„1,xr,p"' Mr Murphy »,(!,», "I Sunlcy Hndgo. |C" U "'»> T«-Mi" i *y F«n,ly| om«Hlio livv« 22