The Road Bet '92” Farm F. (Sec.23) (2) R62“) TAX REGEIPT1927
Personal Tax $2.00 . _ ‘ ‘ A)”, (”a Tax on Horses at 75¢ each} 2,5 ‘ Road stmct No. .,//elfiM.¢:mCoumy
Dog Ta /fl(/’
7 of the above mentioned Road District. oz/ieL-L/kpfl. County the sum of ......................... . . .. ".061"....‘go'fiiDollars, being tax due {or the year I927 under “The Road Act [924" as particuiarized above.
N‘.’ #6963
We are always guaranteed that taxes are in vogue.
Grain Seeder Harvesting potatoes the hard way.
First self-propelled combine ordered on Prince Edward Island, Massey-Harris No. 26, IOfoot cut, owned and operated by Lea Reid.