To keep up with progress and to provide residents and visitors to the area with the advantage of good dress, the tailoring business was begun at the E.H. McMillan Store located on the West side of the river. The store was large, so a room for a tailor was located in the back of the gen¬ eral store. Mr. McMillan hired Norman Nicholson , formerly from Hartsville , as Manager and Cutter. In 1889, Mr. Nicholson had Lemuel Quigly and Richard Steele assisting him in his business. This must have been a most important business in the community for the store owner to hire two extra helpers. About the turn of the century, Norman Nicholson began his own business next door to the store. The cloth he used was mainly imported from England . This arrived in Stanley Bridge by sail¬ ing vessel. Some, however, was bought from Montreal wholesalers. At this time a man's tailored suit cost $15.00. It has been said that if a traveller ordered a new suit when he came off a vessel, it would be ready for him to wear when the ship sailed a few days later. Along with his busy trade, Mr. Nicholson took time for community activities and assisted vari¬ ous groups by providing space 'upstairs', for meetings. During the winter months, the Directors of the Stanley Bridge Dairying Co. held their meetings. The Loyal Orange Lodge and LOBA also met here before they moved to the local hall. Another use for this room was for a visiting dentist, who came to the village a set number of days during the week. One such dentist was Dr. George Green , whose parents lived on the Graham's Road, he later moved to British Columbia . After the tailoring business ended in the village, the shop was turned into a store. The shop was moved from above the present store to below it. Here it was used as a store by the Smith and Manson families. This year the owner Catherine MacKinnon moved the building back from the road and turned it into a gift shop. It is appropriately named Carmody Emporium and Gift Shop. Some of the men who learned the tailoring business from Mr. Nicholson and found employment elsewhere included: George and Gordon MacLeod, and Hugh S. MacKay . Hugh was employed as a tailor in the Armed Forces during both World Wars. He later settled in Charlottetown where he worked for New Method Cleaners. Another local man to learn the trade was William Preston MacNeill , son of Dr. and Mrs. Roderick MacNeill , who unfortunately was killed during World War I. Lloyd Goddess, from French River , is also known to have learned the tailoring business from Mr. Nicholson . Three men are recorded in the 1881 Census as residents in the Nicholson house. They presumably were learning the tailoring business, namely: Harry MacKenzie , George Cotton ( Kensington ) and Walter MacLeod . No further information is available. Norman Nicholson 's son, George, was also proficient in the tailoring business and took over the business from his father when he retired. Mr. Nicholson married Margaret Ann MacKay , Clifton, j see Nicholson} 101