Sterling Roman 's gngtitutc Mss ,W *v?t»Sll»«o». P»«IO{tit 8A» Vlf». f». E ,l#» M».tMlUUMCKMr.VtC«-P*(*IPtilt,Stft*uvBltoaf m«s. Jans McCSw«*». Stc«m»» 8»*».u«»*•.». R. FORM "B" CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION This is to certify that application having been duly nude for the formation of a Women 's Institute, with chief post office ^SjMU0 J &^ Uk....._......_ and the said Institute has been declared by me to be organised, the £ Women ** Institute" Is a body corporate with the objects 4nd powers attaching to such by virtue of the Women 's Institute Act , being Chapter Seventeen of the Statutes of Prince Edward Island , im isfl 0 Minister of Agriculture . Korm prescribed by the Minister of Agriculture in ourauance of the power* contained in Section $ of tbo Act to incorporate the Prince Edward Island 'Jonen's Institutes. To the Kinister of Agrioulture, Province of Prince Edward Island . We, tha undersigned officers' of'y't»-Sfk&'tjLvtVCL ......... Toncn'o Institute, located at.SU^Mvj J *W=W^** ...J. in the Province of Prince Edward Island ,: state as follows:-; ( X ) that aur said Institute was formed ion the day of .."iWflMr..... ^\^«% AT **»Piv' ......A-D. £9 J 9« ;| (2) That the aaid Institute: has complied with the requireraento of the Act to Incorporate the " Prince Edwarn Island V70nen*o Institutes. (\) That the oaid Institute ia desirous of being incorporated under the provisions,-or .the aaid Act and of having and anjoying all the righta and privileges there- y President Vice-Preaident Secretary-Treasurer B.tod at.Wv*.vAVIEfr*4fl*..VthH.^VvOJUmS**.■ .toy of^v ...........J.......\j..D. 1934. * 194