- Nora Murphy Johnston R.N. daughter of Matthew and Ruth Murphy of the Rattenbury Road. - Sylvia Poirier R.N. currently Nursing Director at Holland College.

- Opal Smith MacEwen L.N.A.

- Colleen Reid White R.N. daughter of Lea and Marion Reid, is a nursing supervisor at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Charlottetown.

Eleanor Reid Larkin L.N.A. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Reid, lives in Arlington MA, USA.

- Kathleen Reid Hennessey R.N. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reid, retired from nursing after many years of service at the Sacred Heart Home.

- Kathleen Reid Wakelin L.N.A. daughter of Brendan and Louise Reid, is presently nursing at the Prince Edward Home in Charlottetown.

- Laura Reid Quinn L.N.A. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Reid, presently living in Hamilton ON.

- Mary Lea Reid Switzer R.N. daughter of Lea and Marion Reid, is presently working in the nurs- ery at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Charlottetown.

- Helen Warren MacLean L.N.A. works at the Prince County Hospital in Summerside.


Thomas Campbell, MD. was born in Bedeque - son of Hugh and Mary Carruthers Campbell. Dr. Campbell’s grandfather, Donald Campbell, came from Scotland and settled in Cape Traverse.

Following his education in the local school, Thomas attended the University of Pennsylvania and University of New York and graduated as a Medical Doctor in 1888. His first practice was in Northam. From there he moved to Stanley Bridge where he remained for many years.

The Campbell home was located next to the A.J. McLeod & Co. store. It became the home of Dr. Stuart Simpson and his family after Dr. Campbell and his family retired to Summerside. Following this the house was sold and hauled ‘via the ice’ along the Mill River to the Fountain Road. The house had been purchased by Andrew “King” MacKay. It is presently owned by Borden MacAllister.

Dr. Campbell would be an early pioneer in the discharge of Medical Knowledge.

{see Campbell Genealogy}


Four children of the family of John C. and Annie Margret Simpson Clark of Stanley Bridge became Doctors and worked in various parts of the world.

1. Dr. Martha Clark (1868-1928) worked in India for 38 years. She is buried in Cavendish Cemetery.

2. Dr. Judson Clark (1870-1942). 3. Dr. Jeremiah S. Clark b. 1872 worked in Manitoba.

4. Dr. Zella Clark b. 1875 worked in India. She set up a home for girls and adminis- tered dispensaries in various parts of India. She is buried in Cavendish Cemetery.

{see Clark Genealogy Hope River Road}