Other owners of the James McKie property include: Robert and Marina MacKay - {see Hannifan Property } Eleanor and Earl Ebers - {see Clark/ MacKay Property } George and Marion Cole CLARK JAMES, second son of William and Helen (Simpson) Clark, came to Cavendish in 1775 from Clarkmanshire, Scotland . There were twelve children in the family and three of them settled on the . William married Margaret MacEwen , Mary married John MacEwen , and James married ELIZA BELL, daughter of GEORGE and JEANETTE McKNIGHT BELL. Besides being a farmer, James was a carpenter. He was given a special contract for the Geddie Memorial Church. The pulpit, the doors, window sashes and other fine work were all made in the parlor of the Clark home which was located closer to the shore than the present house. James and Eliza's property has been passed through their daughter, ELEANOR , who married DONALD DANIEL "Bush" MacKAY , in 1861, to the present owner Leslie MacKay , who also lives on the Campbellton Rd. JAMES CLARK (Aug. 20, 1798 - June 2, 1851) m. July 18, 1832 to ELIZA BELL (Aug. 7, 1811 - Jan. 11, 1887) Eliza Bell m. 2. to William MacKay - son of John and Ann (Calder) MacKay - Rd. JAMES AND ELIZA BELL CLARK'S had a family of nine children 1. William Simpson (Apr. 19, 1833 -Dec. 28, 1921) m. Martha Cannon (Dec. 4, 1843 - July 1, 1926) William and his family farmed in They raised a family of nine sons and four daughters. *** Note *** William wrote the poem about the loss of the schooner J. J. Frasier . (PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND HISĀ¬ TORY - Warburton and MacKinnon -1906 - p. 361A) In this poem he tells about the tragedy of his three brothers. They were drowned when his brother's schooner ( Capt. George MacKay ) foundered off . The poet shows the anguish of his mother and father at the loss of three sons. His aging parents were left to carry on the farm business. William and Martha had thirteen children. They lived in Alma, PEI 1. George II b. Dec. 19, 1866 m. Sept. 7, 1898 2. Mary Georgianna b. Jan. 26, 1868 m. June 29, 1890 3. Washington b. Sept. 7, 1869 m. Sept. 27, 1897 - lived in Florida 4. Eliza Bell b.Aug. 3, 1871 m. July 15, 1890 5. William G (Sept. 5, 1873 - Mar. 9, 1899) m. Nov. 27, 1897 250