SUTHERLAND JOHN SUTHERLAND (1783-1866), brother of Alexander, and son of William, was born in Caithnesshire, Scotland . John purchased 48 acres of land from J. Cambridge on Nov. 30, 1829. He also leased the marshland from William Mac Kay on July 9, 1861. John m. GRACE MUNRO (1793-1851), lived on the . She came from the Malpeque area. They had three children: 1. Isabella (1822-1897) m. Mar. 21, 1846 to Adam MacKay (1814-1903), who was born in Scotland . They lived on the Mill River Rd. 2. Janet (1823-1891) m. William MacKay (1817-1888) who owned land on the . It was later owned by son George S. (1854-1923) and his wife Sarah L. Folland MacKay (1880-1964) [sisters married brothers] 3. John, Jr. " Johnny Interest " (1826-1897) 3. JOHN " Johnny Interest " SUTHERLAND (1826 - Dec. 4, 1897), son of John Sutherland (1783-1866) and Grace Munro (1793-1851) m. AGNES SIMPSON (1831-1911), daughter of Robert and Jeanette MacNeill Simpson. John and Agnes owned 100 acres of land on the , bordering on the . JOHN and AGNES had five children: 1. Janet (Janette) (1851 - Mar. 19, 1889) was unmarried. 2. Charlotte (Lottie) (186 -1943) m. M. Thomas Haslam and they lived in Springfield . 3. Isabella (Belle) (1864-1945) m. Wellington Haslam and they lived in Springfield . 4. Florence (Flora) (1867-1944) m. Donald N. MacKay and lived in Springfield . 5. Grace m. James MacKay and they lived in Springfield . As the Sutherland women married and left home there were few people to help with the farm work on the Sutherland property. All girls married except one. Following the death of " Johnny Interest ", R. Fulton Simpson , his wife, and family moved to the village to live with his Aunt Agnes Sutherland . They remained on the Sutherland farm until about 1910. The family moved to British Columbia , {see Simpson - Road) Fulton and Emma Stewart Simpson 390