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Hope River Road leading to BayView
This circular road connects the Simpson Mill / New London Road - Route #224 with the Bay View Road - Route #6
James Sullivan - John Simpson - Robert Fulton Simpson - Thomas Reid Sr. Joseph (Josie) Reid - Louis Reid - D.B. Reid {see Village East} William MacKenzie {see Village East} - Maureen MacNeill {see Lea Reid}
Michael Coughlan - John Coughlan - Timothy Harrington - John Reid Sr. Patrick Reid - Leander Reid - Lea Reid
John Barry - William Bowlan - Patrick Fleming - John Fleming - David Fleming Simon Delaney - Fred McGuigan - Walter Reid - Brendan Reid {see Rattenbury Road} Earle Reid - MacEwen Farms - Dawson Paynter
Thomas Vincent - John Dickieson - James Reid Sr. - James B. Reid Joseph Reid - Frances Sark- Lawrence Cole
Alexander Pickering — John C. Clark - Ray Clark - Lorne MacEwen - John Picketts Ernest MacEwen - Harry Lowther {see Rattenbury Road} - Grant Petersen