[Exerpt from'I'HE CHARLO'I'TETOWN PATRIOT Nov. 5, 1941] (compliments of Earl Murphy brother of Robert Murphy)
Native of This
Chats With King and Queen
Gunner Robert Murphy, of Millvale, [and Stanley Bridge] Meets the Royal Family While on Visit to Windsor Castle
It is the privilege of but few ordinary chillers to be photograph ed with the Royal Flmily, but this happeied on the pounds of Windsor Castle some few weeks ago when Gunner Robert Murphy. son of Mr. and Mrs, Werdlin Murphy, of Mill- vale, this province who at. thetime was convesing with the King was asked to be photographed with them. Behigofnsomwihatreim' ' gdis- position he attenptedto slip out, but his Serge-Major, who photo- yaphed "augit" Robert before he could escape ellirely. as shown in above illunntion.
The incident hlppeled while he, with u group from the honey were on leave, wee taken to see thsor Castle and is fimhe proof of the denocratic nature of the King and
Queer Enloylnl Golf
Wher they arrived at the Castle they found the King and Queen and two Princesses enjoying a round of golf on the pounds adjoiningthe eastle. The gulp ofsoldies wait- ed until the party came up and due-ed then
The Queer leaving the party come over where the boys were standing. She spoketo endi one and Asked it‘they had been shown overthe call: and gountk whilelhe flow-
ers wee in fiill bloom Shethei resumed the pine with the others.
The soldies moved along but the Sgt-Major. I sergeit and Gunner Murphy waicd to uke some photo- gnphs. What the Queer noticed them waitingwith cameras she came averandposedfi'othelt Shesmil- ed athetluee and appearedasthwgi she wished to cervese with then.
AWlId Plant
Recalling an incident whid'i hap« pared in New Brunswidt duringthe Royal vish, Gunner Murphy, some- what nervous, inquired if she was ail] intended in a wild plant she she had seen and Idmired while in New answidL
She instantly recalled the incid- ent, going iato a floria's gore with a wild phat which die admired and asked whee she could secure some.
Grime Murphy happeied to be the party she asked and he reitied he would securethen for her. He went to the New Enmswidr woods taking had( several plants whidi he boxed up and whidt were late taker to England at he rerun. She ruefully told Gllllu' murphy they failed to flow.
He promised He Majesy that he would have some of the plants and
also some wild lilies, which grow
in New Bumswick mto he: In rdum for his kindness she had Robert introduced to the head gard- me with whom he had I long con- vesation and from whomhe meiv- ed a varidy elm which are be- sent. to his home in Millvale.
This was not the only surprise Robert received while at Windsor Cnsle. Me: the King nmioed them talking he came over, shook hnntk. W for Ibo“ let mit- utel and posed for a piaure.
He asked Omne Murphy what part. of Canada hewu from and when the reily came - Prince Ed- ward Islend - His Majedy smilingly came back with, " 1he Prdiib'dim Province“. The Duke of Olwoeste who was sanding nelrby added - "Wes tlmthe reeson for your short day thee '2"
ltwasatthispoint one ofthe Roynl party NW 3 pidure, butastheywereall setRobetat- tented, Ind ohms succeeded in leavingthe Royal goup, but is shown very disindly at the left
it is sudi cornraddiip u this, ex- hibited tluotlg'roul the war among people of Enngd whidi has made their Majesties so popular,
The Murphy family lived for a number of years in the present George and Lorraine Carr
home before moving to Millvale. Robert purchased land at the Junction of the #238
[Campbellton Rd] and # 6 highway in Village West. Afier WWII ended Robert fished for about seven years before securing another career in British Columbia. He died in Surrey, British Columbia in 1997,