éutteaaful 3325:1112 @peratt’un
A young father and snowplow operator, Donald Fyfe, on a bitterly cold January night in 1968 was successfully rescued from his overturned snowplow. Donald was attempting to assist a stranded motorist, and in the act of turning the snowplow went too far on the shoulder of the road, flipping the snowplow over the embankment and pinning himself beneath it. In particular his right arm was securely held, cutting off blood circulation.
Key players from Stanley Bridge in this massive operation were Donald’s father, Elmer, who by encouraging words kept Donald conscious through the long ordeal. A retired physician, Dr. Howatt, slugged through the snowdrifts and bitter cold to give medical aid to the injured man. Neighbours Buddy MacEwen, Ken MacKay, Eddie Gallant and others braved the elements to help their friend. DB. and Rosa Reid who lived closest to the accident scene raised the alarm and offered their home as the first-aid station.
This story has a positive ending. Donald recovered completely after many months of physio— therapy. Today Donald is still plowing roads in the Stanley Bridge and surrounding areas.
The Guardian report of January 7, describes in detail this four hour rescue operation.
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A“EfiieSitU‘aiion'Atstan'jeygfidgé; Rescue“opératiOnis Describ§d1'"
I‘crnown ”'A ten" a nation" am the way Dnnaid Barlow.- manager at Maritime Conatrutttfin term- ed the reaeuo Sunday night at 'a. , anew plow operator - trapped under hia Marturped machine
lrom vBreadaibane ,to“ Stanley
Bridge-where'one 'ot'hia piowa overturned. while attempttnl to
tune by the time the uterus treed 'trom the wreck. Two plane were aent from Stanley Bridle _ to meet the nncomlnl plows and‘ the ambulahceitinaiiy made it to the community. Mr. lyte waa elated aboard-"and—the—piow- eachrted ambulance started . bath (or Charlottetown. anivinl . at the P.E.i. -Hnapltat’ about
"I it??? E1611 “'fiitfifla‘y’ 't'aiirif
but time did not, permit wailinl In: them-chine, beingreacqtjrgi "trouabgnow clogged roada lrom summerald'e by anowjoiow'tle
I The‘rescue new then begin to dig under, the overturned machine with w'eikhtbeina' taken . a much." paaaibie by another machine. "Thia waa aiao danger we became we didn‘t know
when the machine could aiip or
'auiat . mnta'riat' mm _tluwn mug with annw beinl tatten '“" _ -
ln'heavy antrw."i'he pic: upend- his" underneath," .Mr.‘ Barlow mucg AND 09
lor.’Donaid f to. area In In . . ' m ~.— ~ - , ,
tour houra undeyr‘ the aim: Delia. Once the anow wa'a dul.lway, fierdgwmzn'gy‘vghdw;
reacuera were able to tree him. will" torchea were brwaht In " e "n 'l'“ til ‘ but a . Nine annw mm. m .ambul- to cut. my use amt-ed e-u l‘éflfly' ' "n 3 ° -
ancea and I mobile crane took 51’1"" lho'manicufld be "1,. . aa . .m.__W.L__.
eHe—w-a'a—treed-about‘t .o't, "3‘. > .- atler bitnl‘trapped 1037..., ‘ThrvIW"operator‘“did-‘a‘
-4.” ,. ~.,;w— . k .". . true-rm rem-er "th fL’I’f.‘ti’3'.-itfn§f_.u’l;.§’$
part-tn lkjfthE’Imrluflfl."T Mr. Fyte arrived by ambni anee at the Prince Edward lle
land Hospital ahnrtiy_ alter 3 am. . He waa treated by Dr.‘ LA. Mat:- bend at Bonahaw tor trnathite and_ expoaure. Hnapltll otticiaia ’ reported last ‘nl'ght'.-Mr. Fyte waa doing 'yery well".
rmnen .Unnnn can
hit. Barlow. directing opera- _ tlona at the acne. anld the man ' waa pinned acrnsa the 'mld- aecttnn-bythe emnhed can at the machine. ita aaid the mach- ine waa aeltiln ennatanlly and Emma Increaa n; measure on
e tr main > _ enemy’s": made to tilt the
plmv with‘ other machinery at the acene but thia had~in he at)- andoned because at the danger .ohthe upset.machlne,ahiiltng or cable: hrénkinl. Mr. flarinw and the mobile crane‘ despaleh- .ed to the acene tram CFB Sum- merlide-‘eouid have iitted the
‘ Two ambulancea were on th'etr
Pk“ '“h k" ““5" Involved tnwn waa within to miiea ot the
to keep the trapped'man warm h d ‘ th b‘t et wlmhut water butlles ma bianh- ”fr/3e23,“? Lmflmfl' eta but he auitered eapolure m". We taiiowed the pp...
and hoatblte. A retired vhyxl- very away, “a allhotigh the clan. Dr, v.3. Huwatlnt Sunk? aaina waa. ainw and lrnatratlni.
BridauauUMICGMJM the only t‘ir‘ne I thought we mizht‘ henlareheckjelljflf gnlureflqnan not»maite»llrwaa:when th-pib'r It‘d treated him ”11°" I truth Inc with glow. left the
reieaao trnm the—machinerv'the hi hw , ‘1‘ man was taken to the home oi Afmfl.’ SnuvthShH: :zm
D.B. Reid to', haul! the~axjrlvai Charlottetown tb'haul him .0“! of an ambulanclemhtr. fytellwaa and one atartedjoward I" troyn eonuioua lhrmtzhvut the reacue. Hunter Riven The plow 1"“
'_ irom marlnttetown got to the "'0 AfiEULANCE! acene andpuiled our plow back on the road. ‘
we to the scan! escorted by fl .. _ pin!“ one 1mm Charlottetown 'Comina back'waa a little bet: andihather’troin‘ Sur'nrner‘iide'.‘ it! although our tract: nine The Summenide ambulance nu 9"“! well drlthd back in find in the aame eon'iioylutha mobiie u'¢-tlllll'fl|ity "a lull men Mr. crane: 4 ‘ “MRI-'1 Iatd. . .'
Although both ambulance ea- .Ine ptaw. bleed tn’Chariotte- corta experiencedJeavy icing. town. waa_nriven by Harold cie. the ambulance trorn Charlotte- menta nt Marahtieid. -