$2 Pickford & Black's S. S . "Fastnet" Sails from HALIFAX every MONDAY, at 6 p.m., for Canso, Aric&at, Port Hawkesbury, Charlottetown and Summerside . Returning leaves Summerside every THURSDAY, calling at the above Ports, arriving at HALIFAX To connect with boat for Boston on Saturday. S. S . "City of Ghent" Sails from HALIFAX every THURSDAY, at 8 p. m., for , , Sonora, Sherbrooke , Isaac's Harbor and Canso in NOVA SCOTIA, A rich at, Port Hastings and Port Hood, in BRETON, andSouRis in P. E. ISLAND , returning arrives at HALIFAX To connect with boat for Boston on Wednesday. Manchester, Robertson & Allison ST. JOHN, N. B. Importers of BRITISH FOREIGN & AMERICAN Millinery^ Carpets, Linoleums Oilcloths,* House Furnishings Cloths and Tailors' Trimmings JOBBERS OF CANADIAN MANUFACTURES We invite Visitors to Inspect our Extensive Establishment Dry Goods B. O. BOWERS & CO. Commission Merchants, ^york RECEIVERS CANADIAN PRODUCE CANNED GOODS, FISH, POTATOES, EGGS, &c.^^ -j^^a /Bank of Nova.Scotia, Charlottetown, P. E. I. REFERENCE^-; ]yr;ercantile National Bank, New York