Georgetown Stories : 1904 -1908 50 only other Islander still there as far as he knew was Ernest McCormick of St. George's July 17, Aug. 28,1905: Patriot: also Oct. 12, 1905: is being renovated with new piles etc.. Aug. 10, 1905, Patriot: Regatta: two Hemphill boats are entered but the Hodgson Trophy was won by John Condon 's boat, captained by Seymour Knight . Oct. 17, 1905: Patriot:The John Weatherbie family moves to ; Nov. 6; the John Renton family moves to Pasadena, California where sons David and William now live and where another son, Joseph, will join them; three daughters to go with them from Georgetown . [These were only a few of those exiting from the town during these years.] Oct. 31, 1905, Patriot: A concert is given in aid of the street lamp fund; enough was raised to purchase five lamps immediately. Dec. 15, 1905, Patriot: An entertainment with local talent is to be given to aid "the deserving poor of the town." Dec. 15, 1905, Patriot: Disappointment is expressed that the street lights are not operating yet, nor is there a phone at the railway station as promised. Dec, 29, 1905, Patriot: A. O. Cogswell 's can shop is a service to lobster packers in the area. Jan. 6; Feb. 8; Mar. 20; 1905: Patriot: This was a winter of entertainments, pie socials, bazaars, balls etc. in the Town Hall and skating in the rink. The Georgetown Branch of the Foresters' Lodge; the churches etc., all had fund-raising socials. The whole community helped in each. Jan. 6, 1906, Patriot: The Hessian Bros , are to open their store in the brick building formerly owned by Michael Hessian . Jan. 14, 1906, Patriot: John Hemphill and his schooner, Laura Victoria , are again the last sailing ship to lay up for the winter. They took a load of goods to Guysborough and came back to Georgetown mid-January. Feb. 15, |906, Patriot: Little Willie McConneJl was rescued by Leslie Bell after both went through the ice skating from Lower Montague to Georgetown . Mar. 30, 1906, Patriot: Entertainment by Mrs. McCormack of American House May. 11, 1906, Patriot: In a special vote King's County voted for Total Prohibition of the buying and selling of spirituous liquors to replace the previous Scott Act which was said to allow too many loopholes and which had proved difficult to enforce. Georgetown voted 56 to 18 for Prohibition. All religious denominations had campaigned for this result. Eventually all Island counties voted similarly. June 5, 1906, Patriot: The new choir of St. James Church, made up of twelve young men under the direction of Joseph Welsh went with Father Phelan to participate in a service at the Montague Catholic Church. June 11, 1906, Patriot: The Georgetown Amateur Dramatic Club presented "For One Night Only" in the Town Hall. Later they took the show to Montague, raising money enough to buy a new screen and sets. Players were: Emma Burke , Jean Aitken , Minnie Owen , May Owen , E. F. Ryan , P. A. Hughes , Russell McLean , Percy Lavers , Temple Macdonald . June 19, 1906, Patriot: "At Cogwell & Easton's factory near Georgetown yesterday, James Poulton caught a lobster weighing 10 lbs. and measuring 22 inches." June 29, 1906, Guardian: Georgetown school closing. Florrie Johnson wins the Governor General's medal. July 2, 1906, Guardian: Hon. Daniel Gordon 's 86th birthday celebrated; large photo of him. Apr. 16, 1907, Guardian: Capt. Daniel Walker , 2nd mate on the Minto is appointed captain of the Brant ; Capt. Wm . Sencabaugh, Jr. takes the former's place on the Minto. July 7, 1906, Patriot: The Georgetown IOGT Lodge have a picnic at Shaw's Point. April 4, 1907: Guardian: Details of the Joseph Fairchild will. M,ay 7, 1907, Guardian: Prohibition cases.