Among a number of prominent speakers were: Hon. Joseph A Bernard , Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island , Clarence F Morrissey , Rev. John A MacDonald, John B Myrick Sr. Claude A Kinch , Joseph J Arsenault . They paid homage to the brave soldiers, sailors, airmen, wrens and nurs¬ ing sisters, who took up arms against a terrible enemy and now it was over. There were tears of sadness for the service men, who had made the supreme sacrifice for their County, and would not return. The Hon. Joseph Bernard and Mrs. Bernard , opened there spacious home for the evening festivities filled with music and singing. The old village square has left behind many memories; of a celebration that brought World War two on May 8,1945 to an end. This allowed families to once again get on with their lives, and it brought ______________________________________closure to the I Air Force , that was sta¬ tioned in the area during the war years. 168