VBfL***^—? LIFE OF REV. D. MCDONALD J*ead of inhaling it into his nostrils, he let it drop out Lis fi'ieers unobserved by the minister. He heard the ister preach, and remained till all the services of the • were over'. After his return he declared iu the isence of those who sent him, that, although he heard J.ny a sermon, he never before heard the Gospel lached in such perspicuity of language, nor with such trough earnestness and apparent good effect, as he ■ar-d it preached at , last Sabbath, by Mr. Mc- Jnald . As for the snuff story, he declared it to be Bnply a device of the devil to prejudice the minds of the Hopie, to their own hurt, against a true messenger of Brist* The man was subsequently ordained into the ership by Mr. McDonald . He overlived him maul¬ ers, aud was a hundred years old when he died. ' To return to my naritive. The man's words caused a ulsion of feeling in favor of the minister. On the bbath following, many of the people, old and young, nt to hear him. Some were awakened. When part¬ ita the minister, they asked him if they might :>ect a visit from him at their own settlement ? He " Jadilv consented, and asked if they could prepare a suit¬ able 'place of meeting, where he could preach next "Jlbbath? One of the men answered, 'that, as their O 'fetvelline houses were but small, he could not think of a -- more suitable olace than a barn, and as his was as suitable f'o,asanv other iii the settlement, he would freely give it.' ' H« told them 'that God willing, he would be at their ttlement next Saturdav.' Some of the people went to eet him on his way coming. When he saw them he was nme with a feeling of compassion, and cried, with irs : " Sheep WITHOUT A Shepherd.' Word was sent Lrouoh the settlement that he was to preach in such a an's barn, on the Sabbath following. On Sabbath ruing some timorous parties met at a neighbor's house . decide whether it were safe to hear Mr. McDonald •each. The good man of the house volunteered to tend the morning sen-ice as judge. The rest agreed to vait his return. He came back and reported uufavor- FIRS V.SIT TO OF.WEI. L HEAD ,VV He sa;d that he was much annoyed by the tan- t-'ms of a voung woman that kept on continually clapping her hands" and dancing. That sometime; she womo drown the minister's voice by her loud speaking. He then steoped on the floor and began to imitate her by clapping'his bancs and dancing. Iu dorop so. '««"£»« his head against one of the loft beams. He put n„ hand t0 his head. He looked at his hand. It was covered . , ,, i ,. t.-t.-y»t?vt : "' he crieu. \J\\t 0; tile women present offered to tie a napkin around hi* head •<\o"' he said. "Let the guilty head bleed, rhat -in was afterwards one of Mr. McDonald 's elders. survived him several years, and ed in rlr that ca\ his ninetieth with great vear. The minister preached on acceptance and manifest effect. The Presbytenau> became ereatlv attached to him, ana he to them, witn the exception of a few who made themselves odious b> tieir gainsaying and mocking. ■'The Road settlement ,v>: became one of Mr. McDonald 's preaching « i o: its people professed to have come to the : the truth, as it is in Jesus, through his ins: Vany of them were brought under conviction some of them professed to be filled with all joy believing. After a few of his pastoral visits. barns or dwelling houses could accommoc: crowds that were nocking to hear him. The i ; necessary- to build a meeting house. The: building cost them nothing beyond their own a small outlay for nails and windows. It large hemlock tree? that stood in su.Ticien*. r iu selected site hewn to the proj-er size, covered with pine shingles. The crevices were tightlv calked with moss. The crevice used to be' a source of disturbance to the within, especially at the times of communion outside mockers a chance to thrust sharp z through the moss calking to the annoy imurv of those sitting close to the wall? w: :: afterwards tioos. Many nowledge of rumentality. of sin : and and peace in r.one of their ■ :e the large •v soon found r first Church labor, except was built of -umher? near Its roof was ; in the wall ■j thus calked worshippers . affording to ointed sticks s and bodily :'nin. ..." I I;' Jli 47