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MRS. WILLIAM MACPHAIL. The death occurred in this city yesterday, after an illness of two months, of Mrs. MacPhail, relict 0f the late
William Macphail of Orwell. The late Mrs. Macphail was a. life long member of the Church of Scotland and a most estimable
christian lady. She was an active helper in everything
that tended to the good of the community and Will be Sincerely mourned by all who knew her. Her husband predeceased her
by some fifteen years. Her sons Sir Andrew MacPhail Of Montreal and Goodwill of Ottawa arrived Saturday evening have- ing been advised by wire that the end was approaching. They had the melancholy privilege of being with her before she passed away. She is survived by five sons and four daughters. The sons are Sir Andrew, Montreal; Finlay S., Southport; Col, Alexander, C. M. G., D. S. 0., Queen's University, Kingston, Willian M., in Winnipeg; J. Goodwill, at Ottawa. The daughters are Mrs. A. N. Jenkins, Mrs Fitz, Miss Jeanetta, of Orwell,
and Mrs. S.M. Martin of Heatherdale. The remains will be taken to the old family home at Orwell, this afternoon and
the funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock to Orwell Head Church. The Patriot tenders sincere sympathy
to the bereaved family.
The old land-marks of P. E. Island are fast passing away. The past winter has removed many of them, and on April 27th another of the well known and highly respected inhabitants of Stanchel was called to her everlasting home. Mrs, Ewen Lamont (nee Sarah MacPherson) had seen great changes take place in her Island home during the eighty—four years of her pilgrimage. Early in life she had heard the voice "Awake thou that sleepest, arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light" and brought to the consciousness of sins forgiven through the blooa of a crucified Savior, she lived and died in the full assurance of a happier life beyond the grave. Although only nine days laid aside from the active duties of life, she was anxiously looking for— ward to the final victory. She leaves behind her to mourn their loss the following children: Mrs. A. MacIntosh, Stanchel; Mrs. Donald Gillis, Orwell; Mrs Murdock MacNeill, Little Sands; Mrs. John Hume, Wood Islands; Mrs. Joseph Hume, Cambridge, Mass,; Angus Lamont, Sydney; John, Idaho; Rev. Donald, minister of Strath, Scotland; Murdoch, who has completed his theological course in Edinburgh, and Malcolm in Dundee, in all of whose hearts the memory of "mother" will be ever— green. May the whole family so live that they shall meet with father and mother in the land of everlasting light. ‘ A Friend
MONTGOMERY-EITZ. - On June 18th, 1920, at the Prince Edward
Island Hospital, Charlottetown, Mary Isabella, daughter of the
late William MacPhail, relict of the late D. Montgomery, “’ Doctor of Medicine, on the 55th year of her age. Interment at 5 /
Valleyfield from Orwell.