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I I . museum). . 1'“

At St. Peter s Bay, on Tuesday the. 6th inst” from “the Cl Ship-yard of Dugald M‘Isaac, a Byrigantine of 130 tons, called the Cleopatra This fine vessel was hauled a distance of 200 yards on the ice, by the united strength of about 60 horses. '. 1 At Souris, from the Ship- yard of James M‘Gillivray, s Brig T of 180 tons, called the Manedora. Both these vessels were 0‘ ll built fer Mr. Joseph Maedonald, Merchant, of this town. _ {lisp

Royal Gazette April 13, 1847

III'aitcts.~ Verdict—utcclucnuu ueuui. J01)? " ' ' ' Pail . ~ LAUNCIIE . ' , ' At St Peter’s Bay, on Saturday I e 2312'qu from the shipyar Sus 0f Méssrs. MI Innis, a handsome littl Schooner of the b rthen 0 Pet( 40 tons, called the l” EXperiment. By the united st ength 0 Mr 22 horses, she was hauled the distan e of 7} miles, thiry chning ' Alli

of II mm were over bare ground. In consequence o a larr1r crack in the Ice over “hlt‘h they i tended to haul he havin given way (in her approachingit ,sh immediately broke through; MES Ion IIhiclI the horses in dralt had to be cut 2mm from her IIIIIJ ‘pa'g, the greatest dispatch possihle, Sh is owned by. On I. AIIau . Macdonald St Pctqr‘ s;- and is int em ed for the Seal lis tery. \\ e .1313, “lSh the enterprisin owner every 54 ccess in his Erp' intent. [I

On‘ the: 3d instn f om the shimnrd of Mr. Douga‘ll ill saac. Sti. —-4 Peter’s Bay,’ a Schooner of about 10 tons burthen, call (1 Th:

Repealer; " She II s hauled for a ( istnnce of nearly 00. yard on the ice", and belo .gs r0 Iloratio W bster,CnarlotIeIoIIn. —_-'-I~1erI

Royal Gazette April 9, 1844