The flag stations built at Five Houses , Selkirk , and Ashton , Midgell , and Marie were built according to the following specifications: Platform: With a shed, 20 ft x 6 ft. and a signal standard: The flag station at Ashton also had a tank house: 100 ft x 88 ft. 20 ft x 6 ft. 18 ft x 18 ft The Midgell Photo courtesy of the Prince Edward Island Public Archives* There were six wharfs constructed across the Island, one of which was located in St. Peters , and were all constructed upon the same plan. Hey consisted of ordinary crib work, trenailed, and ragged spiked, and were filled with stone, brush, and gravel. The St. Peters wharf measured 586 feet. (37) When the railway was completed in 1875, it was 20 miles in excess of the original contract. The main line from Cascumpec to Georgetown was 120 m. The Western extension, from Tignish to Alberton added up to 11m, while the eastern extension, from Mount Stewart to Souris totaled 39.5m. (38) The PEI railway was scheduled to open on the 4th of January 1875, but had to be postponed because of difficulty with snowdrifts. Full * Accession No. 77.161.3 216