Peters, Bay Fortune, and Covehead charge. It was during this time, in 1843 that the divisions of the congregation in the St. Peters area were changed. There were two divisions. the first charge being made up of West St. Peters and the second comprising East St. Peters and Bay Fortune. (15) Reverend Douglas remained Pastor of this new charge until

his death in October of 1846*

The Greenwich Church. circa 1950. Photo courtesy of Roger Sanderson.

The Reverend Douglas also witnessed the building of the church in Greenwich, which occurred in 1834. This church is also clearly seen on the 1880 Meacham’s Atlas Map. The late Fred MacEwan of Greenwich kept notes concerning the expenses of the church, which have proven to be the earliest records of the church to date. On July 1“, 1879, Robert Lewis was paid $8.00 for plastering and Whitewashing the church. James MacEwen was paid $3.00 for washing the church on October 215K 1880. In 1886, Leland MacEwen was paid $9.00 for the 12 months for “fire," which is presumed to be the firewood cut and used to keep the church heated. In 1890, Ed Coffin paid $6.00 for three years “pew rent, a long since forgotten tradition. (16) Also in Fred’s papers, where the books documenting the church collections: (17)

* Reverend Douglas is the only Minister who served the St. Peters Charge to be buried in the Midgell Cemetery.