1920 Mamie MacKinnon

192 1 - 1923 Marion MacDonald School Secretary AD. MacDonald (1922-1926)

1924 Florence MacDonald 1925 Ethel L. Brown 1926 Annie Murchison & Lillian McDonald

"A hard woodfloor has been laid."

1927 Margaret Whitty School Secretary _ Justin Flynn

1928 Georgie Dingwell School Secretary ~ John Colin MacBelh (l 928-] 93 7}

1929 Louis F. Herring & Elva B. McLeod 1930‘ 1931 Isabel Waye

1932—1934 Helen Burdett

1935- 1937 Elizabeth Webster

1938—1939 Ruth Ross School Secretary John I. McBeth (1938-1939)

Forest Hill School, 1940 Photo courtesy of Ernie and Katherine MacKinnon

My: Mildred Garrett, Wallace MacDonald. Everett Garrett, Norma Morris,

Willie MacKay, Lexie MacLeod, Evelyn James, Georgie Gillis, and Gordon Matheson. '