1936 1937 1938 Cyril J. MacDonald & Marjorie Waye School Secretary - James A. Lewis (1936-1939) "About three months ago the ratepayers of St. Peters provided a building to accommodate pupils of grades 9 & 10 of North and South Schools. A teacher was hired for the South School and its former teacher was placed in charge of the new department, which has an enrollment of 27 pupils. The arrangement proves very satisfactory and may eventually lead to amalgamation of the two districts." Jean McEwen Mary McEachern Joseph O'Hanley (High School) "A praiseworthy move was made when the St. Peters opened a department to accommodate pupils in the advancing grades of this and surrounding districts. It is said that pupils are taking advantage of the better opportunity and progressing accordingly. Here we seem to have a prospect of reaching the educational ideal in rural sections high school in rural surroundings where every boy and girl of the community may obtain an education as good as that can be given by the town schools." a rural 1939 Arch. Lanigan Joseph O' Hanley (High School) A study club was organized in connection with the high school South School, 1941 Courtesy of Claire Logan 321