been. Mr. Dubey has designed buildings in Tignish , Alberton, O 'Leary, Summerside and Kensington . He also designed the Wind Test Site, Evergreen Lodge, Tyne Valley Youth Centre, a Master Plan for Tyne Valley , the Cenotaph and renovations for the Tyne Valley Studio. Fox ranching had become quite general by 1910. In 1914, Edgar Milligan and George Morrison formed the company of Milligan & Morrison, which became famous as the largest fox ranching company in . Its headquarters were in Northam and it had 84 affiliated chain ranches across the continent. On November 25,1926 there were 855 live foxes shipped by train from Summerside to associated ranches in the United States. Milligan & Morrison also owned a fine herd of Holstein cattle. A large barn was built, the largest, most modernly equipped barn in the Maritime Provinces. The official opening was July 15, 1925. Near the barn a race track was built, fully lighted with electric lights. A grandstand was erect¬ ed, capable of seating 2,500 people. The official opening was on July 16, 1931, and was attended by over 7,000 people. It was the first horse racing ever held at night in Eastern Canada . In 1932, a large dance hall was built on the Milligan & Morrison property. (This was the building that Carman MacNeill later moved to Tyne Valley for a store.) Edgar Milligan and George Morrison were both killed in a tragic car accident on September 2,1933 near Buffalo, New York . Smaller fox ranching companies which were formed were: Silver Black Fox Company Ltd, Pioneer Fox Farming Company Limited, W.B. Hayes Silver Black Fox Company Limited , and Silver Black Fox Company Limited . The Pioneer Fox Farming Company Limited was incorporat¬ ed in 1912. The Board of Directors were: George F. Walsh , President; Colin Smith , Vice-President; E.S. Burleigh , Secretary - Treasurer ; Louis Dystant and R.C. Hayes , Directors. In the fall of 1911, a pair '"^s, 4^*^ °f f°xes were sold from its ranch, r„ t o 1 1 n: c i 7 ■ getting at that time, the highest Corporate Seal of Pioneer Fox Farming ° 6 ' b Limited . -Leonard burleigh collection price ever obtained for a pair of Chapter Three ~ Changing Times 47 /. mil*' ...." -0> »v* •&■ # y" Sir S