EAST BIDEFORD, P. E. ISLAND „ , . July 21st, 1917 THE FIFTH Annual Meeting of the East Bideford Silver Black Fox Company, Ltd., was held at Ellersiie on the Third Wed¬ nesday in June last, notice having been given to all shareholders in the last annual report An increase of sixteen pups was reported by the President for"' the year 1917. The Company killed and marketed through the Fur Sales Board, 4 fox pelts; three of these have been sold, and realized the sum of $832.83. The fourth is still unsold, and the Fur Sales Board have set a price on this skin of $225.00. The Company had the misfortune of losing a fox by death in the spring of 1917, the skin of which realized the sum of $59.01. It was decided to accept the offer of G, S. Sharp to furnish peris, care for and feed the Company's foxes for the year beginning September 1st, 1917, to September 1st, 1918 for $85.00 per pair; he to receive in addition the sum of $5.00 per pup for every pup successfully raised to maturity. It was the opinion of this meeting that the Company gradually increase the number of breeding foxes, selling enough to pay ex¬ penses and if possible pay a small dividend. The old Board of Directors were elected for the ensuing year. Our next Annual Meeting will be held on the Third Wednesday in June, 1918. This is the only notice you will receive of the meeting. Yours truly, - A. A. McCATJLL , Secretary FINANCIAL STATEMENT RECEIPTS By amount received for skins sold Cash in Bank $891.84 19.96 1911.80 EXPENDITURE Paid Caretaker on 1915-1916 account Balance 1801.10 20. TO 1811.80 ASSETS 13 breeding foxes ; tips not valued 1 Skin not sold $53,000,00. $53,000.00 LIABILITIES Balance due caretaker $608,90 Balance 52,4:- $53,000.00 An account of the Annual Meeting of the East Bideford Silver Black Fox Company, Ltd. held on July 21,1917. —from pauline millar collection 52 Roots & Branches