the federal government, financial support was discontinued. The oyster leasing was then moved to Charlottetown . Offices and research buildings of the Government of Canada Fisheries Research Board located at Bideford . This picture was taken in 1972. Other buildings have been built since then and some have been removed. —from pauline millar collection oysters had again become world famous for their fine fla¬ vor and quality. In 1934 Burton and Lome Burleigh started buying and shipping oysters and smelts under the name Burleigh Bros . Ltd. In i 960 Burton's son Rogers took over the business. He continues to operate it today in East Bideford with his two sons, Geoffrey and Troy Burleigh. In 1980 Leslie Hardy started buying and shipping oysters, quahogs and other shellfish. His business, Leslie Hardy and Sons Ltd., operates in East Bideford and they continue to ship oysters, quahogs and mussels throughout . In 1979 Holland College began giving Academic Adult Night Classes at what was formerly the . Its Aquaculture Technology Program was housed in the Fisheries at Bideford . It was in operation from September 1986 to June 1999. The instructor was Jim Campbell , a marine biologist. The program provided competency-based training in shellfish and finfish production and had an on-site fish and shellfish hatchery. Shellfish growout was practised adjacent to the facility in the Bideford River . Chapter Four ~ Moving On 81