youth of the three Churches; the active support ofyoung adults and the effort of senior teens to both attend, share in leadership, and encourage young teens to come with them Most ofthese very involved youth are the senior leaders in the parish now 3 7 years later.75
A. Y. RA. Reumon: Canon W. E. Ingraham and Clayton M111— C uttmg Anmversary Cake Beside Copies of 1928-1988 History
Photo: Marie and Clayton Mill. I988
In 1989 a National A.Y.P.A. reunion was held on P.E.l. At these and other times people are reminded that many young people who were members have applied their training thereby taking responsibility and giving leadership in the churches as a result of A.Y.P.A When A.Y.P.A. ceased to be a series oflocal youth programs replaced it.
Sunday School
" The Sunday Schools of the Parish are believed to have operated : continuously since first established which is around the time that the e, churches were established e.g 1887 in the case of St. Mark s l C hurch In the 18005 the mission societies provided a Holy Bible and l a Prayer Book for the fledgling churches to conduct services. In the E 19005 the Anglican Church ofCanada Sunday School curricula were
used until recent decades when local churches were required to select