Their strong faith in God gave them strength to face each new day, and with their two surviving sons, Thomas Reagh and James, they managed to carry on their mixed farming operation in Burlington. Memories of the Burlington Homestead As noted. in 1902 the house was enlarged and repaired. The roof was raised and a kitchen was added. Many of the older houses in the community were updated in the early 19905 and the ell—shaped house shown in the following sketch was a popular style along the Long River road. The front door faced the South West River and was referred to as the “front passage”, an apt term in the early to mid- 18805 when the South West River was used extensively for travelling. ll l' t : .. ,,_ . > . - _ _ ., "I Mil/man House, 1902 Sketch: Andy Remy ”4 In his “Sketches of Family History (c. 1980's) Thomas Reagh gives a description of the Millman house as it was in 1915. even to the layout ofthe rooms and the colour ofthe calcimined walls. Salmon was the colour used in the kitchen where many activities took place. On churning day the barrel churn was placed in a certain spot. surrounded by large dishes of cream. One day he had the misfortune to fall into a crock of buttermilk, an accident which left him with a —355—