Rev. Charles C. Rand (1921-1928) Mr. Rand progressed from lay reader to priest while in the Parish of Springfield. He was still a lay reader when the Rev. Allan W. Daniel, returned to Springfield on October 7, 1923 to assist with the 75‘h Anniversary of St. Elizabeth’s founding.45 Canon Daniel dedicated the newly erected pulpit which was inscribed as follows: “To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Thomas Haslam the founder of the church and his wife Elizabeth. This pulpit was erected in 1923 by their descendants.” A lectem was given by Misses Mary and Sarah Essery and Carrie Haslam, Charlottetown. Lastly, a prayer desk was presented in memory of Lewis Haslam (grandson of Thomas and Elizabeth) and wife Sarah Hannah Dixon, by H. Binney, Everett, Carrie and Mary, their four children. During his tenure the Rev. C .C. Rand revived and taught at the Singing School in Springfield. Each Saturday evening during the winter months community residents would meet in the home of a participant to practice singing for pleasure and profit. Given the number of Anglicans in Springfield the school indirectly benefited church music. Rev. Edward R. G. Bridgewater (1928-193 8) Fondly called “Bridget,” his dedicated service was enjoyed for ten years. He was loved and respected by his parishioners, especially older parishioners. In the 19903 his son and daughter-in-law, Bill and Pamela Bridgewater of Breaksea in England, wrote that his father recalled the snow storm ofthe mid-thirties when he walked “all the 13 miles or so" from the Springfield church to the Crapaud church. He also recollected the fellowship of the large Sunday Schools and the Peanut Scrambles at the annual picnics. and carrying fresh water buckets to the Indian settlements encamped along the river bank which was located below the “old rectory." These images were vivid at the advanced age of 100 years. Bill. his son, personally recalled Amy Howatt‘s stern reprimand for chewing gum while singing 4" The Haslam legacy grew during this incumbency. Mr. George Haslam continued as Lay Reader. The Rev. Leonard Haslam. Rector at -415-