Ship timber.
Ship timber.
’A great deal of timber’.
Lot 79.
Lot 73.
Ship timber.
Lot 37.
side of the road. There are large quantities of wood suitable for ship-building purposes on this 5,000 acres of vacant land still. There are 500 acres generally termed "the barrens". I do not consider it of value except for fence poles. [p. 640]
Hon. Alexander Anderson (surveyor) :
l have been a land Surveyor since 1830. Lot 13 taken as a Lot, is a fair one. It is better than Lots 9, 10, 1 1, or 12. The lands west of the Western Road are pretty fair. There are some swamp and some barren lands. [p. 640]
George Bol/um :
I am acquainted with the west side of Lot 13. I know the vacant land there. I have been all over the unleased lands on the western side of the Western Road getting lumber. There is Spruce or hardwood on the land suitable for the construction of large vessels. On the west side of the Western Road, the land is high and good as an average. On the east side of the Western Road, the land is not so good, but it is wooded with hard and soft wood. I have bought timber on it. The timber is not so large as on the west side. A good deal of the timber is fit for building purposes. The 500 acres of barrens is now grown up thickly with longers. [p. 641]
William Richards {resident of Lot 12, commenting on Lot 73) :
I know the land to the east of the Western Road. The wood is suitable for shipbuilding purposes, considerable quantities of the wood have been used for shipbuilding purposes. The wood remaining is mostly fit for the same purposes. There is a good market for lumber on both sides of the Lot. A considerable quantity is taken to market on both sides of the estate.
Cross-examined: There is still a great deal of timber on the lands. In a few cases timber has allowed to be taken. [pp. 642-431
William Tup/in, Lot 79 :
. Yeo’s part of Lot 19 is the poorest land on the Township. It is Spruce and Juniper land. It is the hardest land to clear, and after it is cleared, yields the poorest crops. The lands are of a light soil with a light growth of softwood. [p. 644]
Samuel Ramsay, Lot 73 :
| live on Robinson’s Road, Lot 13. All the wilderness land near us is barren. I know the barrens, they are covered with juniper or clear. The next quality is covered with spruce &c. . The principal part of the barren land is covered with spruce, var, &c. It was burnt land. Poles are valuable there for fencing purpose. There is a large quantity of timber on this land yet. [p. 6451
Alexander McArthur, Lot 73 :
. | live at Sheep River on the Western and of Lot 13. It is a very fair quality on the West, and on the East it is not bad either. There are a couple of ridges covered with large hardwood timber. A great portion of [the 500 acres of barren] may be made good land. It is not white barren sand like Lot 1 1, it is merely burnt and grown up with young growth. [p. 645]
Donald McLean, Lot 73 :
| live on the Canada Road Settlement, Lot 13. The land to the West of the Western Road is better [than on the east], . There is more hardwood on that, and a good deal of ship timber. [p. 645]
Estate of John Roache Burke [3,1 14 acres on Lot 37].
J. R. Burke, Junr. (land/0rd) :
As regards the land on the south side, it is good land. The lands are hardwood lands. I buy ship-timber from the tenants. [p. 660]