in the face with a bow and arrow and he's bleeding to death." I still have the scars and I have often used Eddy's version of events when telling the story to the kids.

It was at this stage of my life that I was introduced to Scouting and I remain involved to this day. I loved the adventure, the camping, the campfires and cooking out in the woods. It was a tremendous character and confidence builder. Abe joined the movement a year later. Our parents obviously saw the positive impact Scouting was having on us and encouraged us to stay involved. However, one thing my mother was not thrilled about was when I came home with two snakes, which I found in the woods. The next year, I came home with a pair of pet mice that I bought from one of the Scouts. I was not allowed to keep them in the house, so I took them to our cottage at Rosebank and let them roam around as they pleased. By the end of the season, there were so many that I had to take away all of the food and hoped that they would go away before the beginning of the next season. It worked.

Sunday was visitors‘ day at Scout camp. My parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins would all come down with loads of food and spend the day. They were mindful of not disrupting the program, so they would go over to the farthest field and do their own thing, but not before treating the whole camp to ice cream and cool


Boy Scout camp 1946 A visit consisting of my family, my grandparents, three uncles and aunts and their families.