Georgetown Events, 1968-1984 80
Dec. 29: "Mayor Glad to See 1979 Go"— Mayor McConnell reviews the year— blames council for not getting public support for doctor's office. recreation area,— lack of money and of community spirit— but some bright spots— Sportsplex , theatre, new houses
Jan. 5: " New Fire Truck Due today"
Jan. 15: "Port Quiet'—and "likely to remain so'- says Soloman. But see Mar. 27.
Jan. 17: "Georgetown delays decision in Resignation of Councilor"- re Milford Clory— also Ivan Bartlett has moved leaving vacancies on town council. For more on Council activities see Feb. 12, Dec. 2 and on Mayor McConnell, see Feb. 20 & May 13, Jan. 2/81
Jan. 25: "Georgetown Hosts 12 Team Tourney"— recreational league
Feb. 25: "King's County Town Celebrating Winter'— carnival- see also Mar. 4 for pics of Kevin Gotell and Brenda Chaisson chosen King and Queen & Mar. 6, pic. David Llewellyn wins arm—wrestling contest.
Mar. 4: Gladys Jenkins, mother of 12, is citizen of the year— pic.
Mar. 27: ”Georgetown Fine Base”— for warehousing and wharf facilities re oil & gas company exploration off N. E. coast of Island.
Apr. 24: "Georgetown Votes to Purchase Brine ice machine"— for Sportsplex replacing old system guaranteed by installer.
May 14: "Future Looks Poor for King's Theatre"— no production staff available says Billard
June 9: "St. James' C.W.L. Re—elects‘ Officers” Also Nov. 12 re Father Cash
July 15: "Help Promote Industry Georgetown tells Binns"- Binns was in charge of community service in Island
July 21: "Lavers Celebrate Golden Anniversary"— Albert and Winnifred-
former residents- pics.
Aug. 19: "Anniversary Service at St. David's '— pic of church
Sept. 26: "Pretty Bleak Winter Facing GeorgetownYard'— says Hugh Sutherland, yard manager.
Oct. 21: Georgetown Man Airs Frustration:"— Jim Llewellyn re sewage system back-up— blames mayor& council
Oct. 21: "Georgetown Residents Have New Mayor:- but this turns out to be premature. Harry McConnell to step down after six years of service. Darryl Macdonald had attempted to run for
mayor but defeated 125 to 123 in election held in late November.(he then took gov.'t job as assistant in community affairs to Pat Binns) Other members of new council include Newman Wight, Stillman Mair & Joseph Johnson— others to be appointed— replacing Spurgeon Walker, Robert Curtis, Bill Burke, Betty King and Danny Perry.) Jim MacQuillan had been disqualified as mayoralty candidate because of residence restrictions— so position temporarily vacant until Charles Martell takes over duties. Albert Hobbs later re- elected
town clerk
Dec. 10: "Two Carferries in Georgetown" Confederation & Prince Nova for winter
Dec. 31: "Opening of new Sportsplex Pleases Georgetown Mayor"- in McConnell's end of year review.
Jan. 16:" Martell Assigns Duties”-