Tales and Items of Interest The Marshfield Maple Leafs Hockey Banqueted An event of special inf : i :.' t* hockey enthusiasts took pise..-; ;.t the hospitable homes of Mr Franklin and Mr. and Mrs. Ijea Mill, Marshfield , on Tu c i en« ing, March 26th , when the Marsh¬ field Women 's Institute entertain¬ ed the Marshfield Maple '.Leafs, winners of the W. R. Dennii trophy, at a banquet. Covers wars laid for over sixty guests. '■ The table presented a very pleas* ing sight with'its wealth of deli- , cacies. The decorations. were the team colors of red and' greyi1 form¬ ing streamers that hung from tag, centre of the room to the corners of the table. Tapers fliclered at each end while miniature ^hockey sticks and the trophy graced the centre. Those sitting at the first; table were Mr. and Mrs. * W, R , Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. J. H , Crosbys the coach, the referee, the mem* hers of the team and their, ladies Before,.the supper was served a shOrt program was presented. Opening chorus, "Tile Maple Leafs .Forever;" reading, Mis- HUH; solo, Miss Jessie Jenkins . A stiorl speech was .made by Mr. w. R. Dennis , a resident of M- and doner of the cup. Mr. Dennis is;. proprietor of the Cash and Carry Store . ; , Others,, speaking were Mr,; Victtti ,: Williams, Mr. Percy Gay and Mr, Ludlow ' Jenkins. Mr. Talmacige Foster, on behalf of the; team, thanked the ladies' of the institute for their hospitality. He outlined the activities of the hockey team which is spons.-.ad by the -Marsh¬ field Rural Eatertpining.Chjb. This" club was organisrd some sixteea. years ago and hr il™ lys been considered a benefit to -he com¬ munity- They^iu joined hi sinking "For They Are Jolly r iri Al ¬ lows." The remainder of the even¬ ing, was-spent .sociably. s * ".';*' :"' ' y ■■■■■■■ $'-■ li Courtesy of Barbara (Jenkins) Borges Newspaper Clipping #2 1934 or 35 Sandy's Ramblers i- 3 Win flyer Coveted Gives MarsMielil Teap Lewis Brothers TriopSr .The Class "C"- Intermediate Champ¬ ionship of and the Lewis .Brothers Trdphy was won by the Marshfield- Dunstaffnage hockey team by virtue of iy^.- S win over Coyehetd at-*ht>-Rprum last ntpht. '■"■ ,Th]s#as.the third ^ame of a best '« three series.. Each team had pre¬ viously registered, a wlnj The win¬ ning counter .came from the stick of "R, McCanum about a' minute before the final session was over with assists on* the play going to Ballem and Jenkins. ..-••»'' It was an uphill battle for the Marshfield team for they were trail¬ ing 3-2 going into the final frame. Covehead had taken the lead in the first period scoring all their three goals while Maishfield were held to two counters. The second period went scoreless. Following the play, the donors of the trophy, Claude and Ira Lewis, made the presentation to the winners. Other teams which played in the four team district league were Cove- head Road and York , Over 500 fans sat In on last night's Play. Lineups:— MARSHFIELD — Goal, Cecil Stet ¬ son: defence, Lloyd McCallum , Irving Boswell , Arthur Foster ', forwards, Cedric Ballem , Wilfrid Thompson , Arthur Jenkins . Irving Thompson , Ray McCallum , George Kcefe , Allison Stewart, Jackie Carr, and Foster. * <56VSBHEAD — Goal, Ernest Bell ; defence',. Vie Deacon, Tommy Mlsner ; forwards, Lloyd MatMlllan , Willie Marshall , Lee Mlsner , Alvln' Mc¬ Laughlin, George Shaw , and Joe Mc « Cabe. ^P .•'-■• Referees — Art Perry and Amos Gorveat . '-'."*••: ."& SUMMARY * v First Period 1—Covenead* Marshall, ' (Detcon),------------------------ 3:10 2— Marshfield , Jenkins, (Boiwell) .........:......?........."------ 9:30 3—Maiihfteld', Ray McCallum , (Jenkins).......................„.......... 13:40 4—Covenead, Deacon, (MacMlllan) „...„....................~. 13:45 5— Covehead ,' Deacon, (MacMlllan)............................ 17:20 Penalties — McCabe, L. McCallum, R McCallum. i ";.! (' Second Period Scoring — None. Penalties — L. McCallum . 1 Third Period C— Marshfield , Ballem, ( R. McCallum ) ........................ 6:30 7— Marshfield . R. McCallum , (Baltem, Jenkins).................... 18:55 Penalties — Foster and Mlsner (mate), McCallum, Misner. ± Courtesy of PAPEI The Evening Patriot, March 20,1952 -250-