Tales and Items of Interest Sandy's Ramblers Ice Hockey had a brief but rather impressive resurgence in the early 1950's with the establishment of Sandy's Ramblers. Sandy Saunders , who estabĀ¬ lished a Restaurant and Drive-in Theatre (referred to in Chapter, Sandy's Restaurant), took the initiative in constructing an outdoor rink adjacent to his established complex. The rink had a very brief existence, maybe two or three winters, as a new enclosed rink was constructed at North River and a formed with it as the home base. Outdoor rinks required a great deal of time because of having to contend with snow, as well as the bright sunshine melting the ice in February and March, which could lead to a very brief season. The Ramblers' first team consisted of players from Marshfield and Dunstaffnage , with additional pick-ups for championship games. Later the younger fellows from Dunstaffnage formed their own team named The Bombers. Some of the most competitive and aggressive games were between the two local teams. With older players becoming a bit too mature and several of the young chaps moving away (a constant on PEI ), by the late fifties both teams were disbanded. With this article you will find a Patriot newspaper clipping dated March 20, 1952 and a copied photo of Sandy's Ramblers displaying their trophy. TTES ca. 1952 Courtesy of Mike Saunders Sandy's Ramblers (Left to Right) Back row: Jim Mundy , George Keefe , Lloyd (Gandy) MacCallum, Cedric Ballem , Irving Thompson (Coach), Cecil Stetson (Goalie, holding trophy), Irving Boswell , Wilfred Thompson , Ray MacCallum , Wilfred (Wiffie) Robertson Ken Ellis. Front row: Lloyd MacMillan , Joe O' Brien , Jack Carr , Allison Stewart , Arthur Jenkins , Roger (Buddy) Clark, Tommy Misener, Sandy Saunders (Sponsor). -251-