Properties and People


Drying wool at what is now known as Linden Acres Farm.

MacPherson took over the farm. Together Cecil and Helen had a family of one daughter: Ann Elizabeth and three sons: Ivan Gordon, Cecil Paul and Ernest Kent.

In the year 2000 Helen and Cecil Stetson still reside at Linden Farm.ll One son Paul and his wife Sharon DeWolfe have built a home immediately to the west of Helen and Cecil. They have a family of two daughters Tracey Elizabeth and Melanie Carol plus son Adam Paul.

Submitted by J. Rossiter & C. Stetson





Courtesy 01 Marguente Godfrey MmLMarshfis-Ad, Marshfield Women’s

Institute, 1972, p.4.

Liber 95, Folio 294. Registered 14 April 1987. (Land Records Office)

The Royal Gazette, January 1839.

Hutchinson’s 1864 Directory, Justice of the Peace, p. 243, general store owner, p. 176.

The Islander, 8 November 1867, p. 3.

James Robertson’s will, Liber 7, Folio 382. Registered 12 November 1867. (PARO)


The executors of James Robertson’s will were his brother Alexander, Esquire, and John Stewart, of Lot 34.

Accession 2827, Item 2. (PARO)

Liber 29, Folio 941. Registered 4 June 1889. (Land Records Office)

Liber 59, Folio 444. Registered 14 September 1909. (Land Records Office)

Liber 105, Folio 99. Registered 8 December 1941 (Land Records Office).