Properties and People ""■tfSwMLr? .#;■!* ;•- ,'r :., ^^^Bfp^-%*^ ^^^^pIpwMP*' "^^^^^1 Courtesy of Marguerite Godfrey Drying wool at what is now known as Farm. MacPherson took over the farm. Together Cecil and Helen had a family of one daughter: Ann Elizabeth and three sons: Ivan Gordon , Cecil Paul and Ernest Kent . In the year 2000 Helen and Cecil Stetson still reside at Linden Farm.' i One son Paul and his wife Sharon DeWolfe have built a home immediately to the west of Helen and Cecil. They have a family of two daughters Tracey Elizabeth and Melanie Carol plus son Adam Paul . Submitted by J. Rossiter & C. Stetson 1 The History of Marshfield . Women 's Institute, 1972, p.4. 2 Liber 95, Folio 294. Registered 14 April 1987. (Land Records Office) 3 The Royal Gazette , January 1839. 4 Hutchinson's 1864 Directory, Justice of the Peace, p. 243, general store owner, p. 176. 5 The Islander , 8 November 1867, p. 3. 6 James Robertson 's will, Liber 7, Folio 382. Registered 12 November 1867. (PARO) 7 Ibid. 8 The executors of James Robertson 's will were his brother Alexander, Esquire, and John Stewart , of Lot 34. 9 Accession 2827, Item 2. (PARO) 10 Liber 29, Folio 941. Registered 4 June 1889. (Land Records Office) 11 Liber 59, Folio 444. Registered 14 September 1909. (Land Records Office) 12 Liber 105, Folio 99. Registered 8 December 1941 (Land Records Office).