The names in this index were taken from throughout the book with the exception of the family history

chapters that have genealogz listings.

In such cases the names were taken from the listings and not from the introduction or text.


Adams, Carl 296

Adams, Charley 297

Adams, Cynthia 296, 297

Affleck, Alexander 79

Affleck, Ann 79, 305

Afl‘leck, Bella 79

Affleck, Err011238, 305

Affleck, Henry 79

Affleck, James 194

Affleck, Janet 79

Affleck, John 79

Aflieck Mary 79

Affleck, Robert 79

Aflieck, Rosanne 79

Aitken, Alexander Wyllie Robertson 65

Aitken, Charles 155

Aitken, Erno Isabel Fergusson 65

Aitken, James 156

Aitken, Mr. 152

Alchom, Mary 130

Alder, Rev. Robert 191

Allan, Donald Stewart 82

Allan, Margaret Isabel 82

Allan, Rev. James 183

Amos, E. 207

Anderson, Alex 208

Andrew, Alvin 182

Andrew, Alvin Dewar 75, 76

Andrew, Donna Louise 76

Andrew, Florence (Scott) 313

Andrew, Francis “Frank” 82

Andrew, Fred 182, 223

Andrew, Frederick I. 182

Andrew, Frederick Isaac 82

Andrew, Frederick Scott 75

Andrew, Frederick W. 182

Andrew, Isabel Georgina 82

Andrew, John 182

Andrew, John Ernest 82

Andrew, Louise Elizabeth 75

Andrew, Muriel Gladys 82

Andrew, Scott 182

Andrew, Tracey Elizabeth 76

Andrew, Vera Elizabeth 82

Andrew, Wallace 182

Andrew, Wallace Jenkins 82


Andrews, Vera 208

Arbing, Liz 238, 297

Arbing, Mr. 195

Arbing, Phillip 238, 296, 297 Arsenault, Angela 296 Arsenault, Catherine 118 Arsenault, Frank 118 Arsenault, Louis 118 Arsenault, Mark 296 Atkinson, Mr. 253

Auld, Marion (Thompson) 193 Avard, Adam Clark 191 Avard, Joseph 191


Baak, Rev. Henry P. 184

Baden-Powell, Agnes 228

Baden-Powell, Lord 228

Bain, Francis 252

Bain, Judy 233

Baker, Rev. H. R. 192

Balderson, John 207

Balderston, Benjamin 193

Balderston, Elizabeth 193

Ballem, Cedric 182, 201, 209, 251, 263, 265, 278

Ballem, Cedric G. 184

Ballem, Cindy 278

Ballem, Evelyn 229, 278

Ballem, Hon. Jamie 201

Ballem, Jamie 278

Ballem, Jeremy 278

Ballem, John 278

Ballem, Josh 278

Ballem, Linda 278

Ballem, Marsha 278

Ballem, Myrna 229, 278

Ballem, Myrtle 201, 263, 278

Ballem, Myrtle A. 182

Ballem, Yvonne 238

Bamford, Rev. Stephen 191, 192

Barret, Mr. 195

Bartlett, Ryan 239

Bayfield, Frances Gertrude 289

Bayfield, Henry 289

Beers, Alice 207

Bell, Arthur 208

Bell, Charles 155

Bell, John H. 155

Bell, Joseph 155

Bell, Mary 125

Bell, Rev. E. 192

Bell, Rev. Ed. 193

Bennet, Mrs. Gordon 231

Bentley, Dorothy 232

Bernard, Jennie Amelia 289


Berrie, Rev. J. C. 192

Besely, Verna 296, 297

Best, Charles Alexander “Sandy” 48

Best, Henry Bruce MacLeod 48

Bigelow, Rev. J. Cameron 184

Binns, Elizabeth (Stewart) 157

Binns, Harry 157

Binns, J. C. 257

Birt, Hayden 196, 239

Birt, Sandra 230

Bishop, Helen 281

Black, Rev. William 191

Boothroyd, Rev. Donald 196

Boothroyd, Rev. F. E. 195, 196

Borges, Barb 310

Borges, Barbara 190

Borges, Jose 310

Boswall, A. Henry 298

Boswall,A1bert 107, 108, 174, 301

Boswall, Albert Colin 87

Boswall, Albert Edison 109, 110

Boswall, Albert Graham 110, 111

Boswall, Albert Judson 108, 109

Boswall, Albert Rowell 108

Boswall, Alexander Henry 87, 107, 108

Boswall, Alexander Henry Lyle 108, 109

Boswall, Alexanderina Stewart 87

Boswall, Alexandrina Renie 107

Boswall, Alice Eileen 108

Boswall, Almon 195, 301

Boswall, Almon Driscoll 107, 108

Boswall, Ann Burston 107

Boswall, Anne 241

Boswall, Annie 213, 298

Boswall, Annie MacGowan 107, 108

Boswall, Barton Timothy 108

Boswall, Beatrice Elizabeth 87

Boswall, Beth 299

Boswall, Blanche Beth 109

Boswall, Blanche Fanny 107

Boswall, Borden 192, 263

Boswall, Brenda 299

Boswall, Brenda Margaret 110

Boswall, Carl Emerson 109

Boswall, Caroline 226, 277, 286

Boswall, Christopher 315

Boswall, Christopher Grant 110

Boswall, Christopher Kerry 110

Boswall, Connie 283, 287

Boswall, David Scott 109

Boswall, Dennis Gregory 110

Boswall, Dianne 238, 264, 315

Boswall, Donna 231, 233

Boswall, Donna Darlene 109