Sty? $Blnnb ^kp^em CEomjiamj, Utmtfrfc Charlottetown, P.E.I. , June it-tax, .19^2. Mr. Ivan Linkletter , See'y, Northam & Arlington Rural i'el Co ., Northam, P.E.I. Dear Sir,— ... n i The Department of National Defence, as TW you probably know, has designated Prince Edward Island as )Ji a danger area. In this connection it is a very important duty of all Telephone Companies to see that their lines are £j. kept in good repair, as should an emergency arise the tele-^j" phone will play a very important part in the defence of the 7^ Province,, 7 Most of the connecting companies'" lines - are in a very serious state of disrepair, and will require \ considerable work done, while others will simply need a check-up of telephone sets and wires. However, it is most yu important that all lines be put in good shape with the leas'"^f possible delay so that messages can be received and passed r^_ quickly over every telephone should necessity arise. I would appreciate it if you wuld take "f1 this matter up immediately with the ufficers of your Company so that steps will be taken to put your line in good working order, and I would also like to be advised as to what actio^ you are taking in this regard, as I expect the defence Depar / ment will be asking for a report on the condition of all $\ communications in this Province in the very near future. This is a most important matter, and I trust no time will be lost in dealing with It. Yours truly, -ju 1 16 DM&/G