© Belfast Historical Society. 2004 ' - ‘ ' ISBN 0—9685586—2-3 All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission of the Belfast Historical Society, except for brief passages which may be quoted by a reviewer for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or other periodical.
Printing Transcontinental Prince Edward Island (formerly Williams & Crue).
Front Cover. Inside of a Belfast schoolhouse. [Photograph courtesy of Lillian Matheson.]
The book was published with financial assistance from the Province of Prince Edward Island Cultural Development Program, Department of Community and Cultural Affairs.
Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data
Leap over time : history and recollections of one-room schools in the Belfast area, 18034968 / Eliza Gillis. Viola Gillis. Linda Jean Nicholson
Includes index. ISBN 0—9685586—2—3
l. Belfast (P.E.I.)--History. 2. Rural schools——Prince Edward Island-Belfast Region—- History. 3. Belfast Region (P.E.I.)——History‘ I. Gillis. Eliza‘ 1934— II. Gillis, Viola. 1932— III. Nicholson‘ Linda Jean, 1960- IV. Belfast Historical Society (P.E.I.) V. Title.
LC5]48.C32B44 2004 37l'.0()97l7 C2004—906633-l