© Belfast Historical Society, 2004 , ISBN 0-9685586-2-3 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission of the Belfast Historical Society, except for brief passages which may be quoted by a reviewer for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or other periodical. Printing Transcontinental Prince Edward Island (formerly Williams & Crue). Front Cover. Inside of a Belfast schoolhouse. [Photograph courtesy of Lillian Matheson .] The book was published with financial assistance from the Province of Cultural Development Program, Department of Community and Cultural Affairs. Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Leap over time : history and recollections of one-room schools in the Belfast area, 1803-1968 / Eliza Gillis , Viola Gillis . Linda Jean Nicholson . Includes index. ISBN 0-9685586-2-3 1. Belfast ( P.E.I. )—History. 2. Rural schools——Belfast Region- History. 3. Region ( P.E.I. )-History. I. Gillis . Eliza, 1934- II. Gillis, Viola, 1932- III. Nicholson, Linda Jean , 1960- IV. Belfast Historical Society (P.E.I.) V. Title . LC5 148.C3 2B44 2004 3 71 '.009717 C2004-906633-1