Culloden School Photographs
Culloden School I920. Norman MacLeod. ('utherine MueLeod. and Florcnec MueLeodi [P/mm mummy of (irua' Fun/cl]
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(,‘ulloden School, I923. I’l'mn ltj/i, bur/t" row: l’uulzi Smith. l-‘lorence Muelleod‘ Maggie Douglierty. Irene lVluel’herson. ('utherine MzicLeod; midi/Iv I‘IHl‘.’ Normnn Muchotlt Jeanette Singleton. and liveline Smith; from mu“: Clayton Mueleotl. Lloyd Muel’herson. litlnzi Mziel’herxon. lii’zmees Singleton illltl .lim Singleton. [Photo t-nili'ltnyi' of/"runt'w‘ III/[(JII'IIAUII t/m/ /)(l/'Ul/l_\' .l/(It‘Rtl('.]