School rooms and the upper portion became a parlour, housing a spacious meeting room, a modest kitchen, a wash- room, and an entryway. The project was dedicated at the 11:15 service September 21, 1997, with the current minister, Rev. Don MacPherson, officiating.

What remains for many a source of amazement is that the addition was paid for in a record three years. Lifetime congregation members Erskine and Vera (Yeo) Forbes had believed for a long time that better washroom and kitchen facilities were necessary for such an active congregation which hosted many events. The Forbes also believed the Sunday School was the important foundation for the future of the church and should be given full support. The couple was willing to support their beliefs with financial backing and, prior to the annual meeting of 1996, made this fact known should the church desire to implement changes. They pledged a substantial amount to the start of the project. Unfortunately, Erskine did not live to see the completion

of the project. Following the tragic death of a young congregational Lot 16 United ' member, the family of Harry Boschma chose to have memor- Chumh aft“ ' ials in his memory donated to the church expansion project. 2:122:31“ The youth of the Sunday School were only too willing to PrOjcct in 199,1 StI'lVC towards being major contributors in a pr0ject from

which they would benefit. The Youth Vlsion Project agreed to match funds the children raised; the Sunday School,